Family Fun 101

Friday, September 02, 2005

Long Lost Jimmy Webcam Video

The other day while doing a little hard drive housekeeping I discovered a video clip I'd forgotten I had. It is low quality as it is recorded on my webcam while sitting at the computer. (excuse the tacky blanket I keep over my window behind me to block the sun). It is absolutely amazing how tiny he was!!!

Note: Dialup users may or may not be able to view this. If so it will require a great deal of patience. If you have dialup and wish to give it a shot I recommend you right click the link, select "save target as", download the file to your hard drive then watch the video. It is 3 megabytes or so which will take 15-20 minutes on most dialups to download. Video is just shy of 2 minutes audio.

Here's the link:

Click Here


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